Dima Table for folds
The Dima Table is an accessory that is used after treating the material on the heaters to give the desired shape during cooling.
The accessory features a tilting shoulder to adjust the bending angle.
Technical features:
Fold Width: 2,000 mm
Fixed Shoulders: No. 3
Tiltable shoulder: Nr. 1
INDAT Plastics
Division of INDAT S.r.l. a socio unico
Via Pietro Verri, 9
I-20090 Trezzano S/N (MI)
Tribunale Milano 183806 Vol.5278 Fac.6 C.C.I.A.A. Milano 997139
Fisc. Cod./VAT Cod. IT04225450156
Capitale Sociale € 51.480,00